Feeling Heartbroken? 3 of Swords as Feelings Explained Simply

Feeling Heartbroken? 3 of Swords as Feelings Explained Simply

Okay, so, I’ve been messing around with Tarot cards for a while now, and let me tell you, some readings hit you harder than others. I wanted to share a particular experience I had recently with the 3 of Swords card, specifically focusing on how it represented feelings in that reading.

So, picture this: I was doing a general reading for myself, nothing too specific. I shuffled the deck as usual, focused on my energy, and then drew my cards. And bam! There it was, the 3 of Swords staring right back at me.

My Initial Reaction

Honestly, my gut reaction was not great. I mean, this card has a pretty heavy image, right? A heart pierced by three swords, dark clouds and rain it the background – it’s not exactly a walk in the park. I felt a sense of dread wash over me, like something bad was coming or had already happened.

Feeling Heartbroken? 3 of Swords as Feelings Explained Simply

Digging Deeper

But, I took a deep breath and decided to really look at the card. This heart, it was not broken into pieces, the swords were piercing it clean. It was a clean pain.

And then I thought about the number three. In Tarot, threes are often about creation, growth, and moving forward. Suddenly, it hit me. Maybe this wasn’t just about pain, maybe it was about growing through pain.

Reflecting on My Own Feelings

I started to think about what was going on in my own life at that time, especially any emotional baggage I was carrying. I had a recent conflict with my friend, some misunderstandings with my girlfriend, and some old grief from the past that I hadn’t fully processed. There were these feelings of disappointment and sadness that I’d been trying to ignore, and this card was basically shoving them in my face.

It was clear that I needed to face my feelings head-on. This 3 of Swords card was not a curse but was kind of like a wake-up call.

Taking Action

So, what did I do? Well, first, I had a good cry. Seriously, I just let it all out. Then, I started journaling about those feelings, trying to understand where they were coming from and why they were so intense.

I also did something I hate to do, I apologized to my friend and my girlfriend. I had some tough conversations with some people, which was definitely uncomfortable. But, I started talking to a counselor as well.

The Outcome

Let me tell you, it wasn’t easy. Facing your pain is never fun, but it was one of the most important things I’ve done for my personal growth.

Now, months later, I feel so much lighter. Those feelings of sadness and disappointment are still there sometimes, but they don’t control me anymore. I have a better understanding of myself and my emotions, and I know how to deal with them in a healthier way.

So, yeah, the 3 of Swords is a tough card, but it’s not all doom and gloom. It can be a powerful reminder that even in our darkest moments, there’s always an opportunity for growth and healing.

Hope you are doing great, too.

Feeling Heartbroken? 3 of Swords as Feelings Explained Simply
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