Two of Swords Zodiac Sign: Is it Libra or Gemini? Lets find out the truth about this card!

Yesterday was a bit of a rough day, honestly. I woke up feeling all out of sorts and just couldn’t shake this feeling of being stuck. It was like I had a million things I wanted to do, but I couldn’t decide on any of them. So, I did what any normal person does when they’re feeling overwhelmed – I turned to tarot cards. Don’t laugh! It actually helps me sometimes. I pulled the “Two of Swords,” and it was oddly fitting.

Now, I’m no tarot expert, but I do know a little bit. This card is all about being at a crossroads, feeling indecisive, and maybe even avoiding making a tough choice. Yep, that was me all over. I decided to lean into it and figure out what exactly was making me feel so conflicted.

First things first, I looked up the zodiac sign associated with the Two of Swords. Turns out, it’s Gemini. The symbol for Gemini is Twins, which makes total sense since it’s all about duality and opposing forces. This resonated with me big time because I felt like my mind was split in two, pulling me in different directions.

Two of Swords Zodiac Sign: Is it Libra or Gemini? Lets find out the truth about this card!
  • I found some stuff online about “Cell Salts,” which are supposed to help regulate important bodily functions.
  • I even went down a rabbit hole reading about Biblical lexicons, trying to find some deeper meaning in the card’s imagery. Not sure I found what I was looking for there.

Then I remembered this nutrition program I’d been meaning to try called “2B Mindset.” It’s all about making healthy eating choices, which I figured could only help my confused brain. I got out my notebook and read about the “Plate It” method. The idea is to fill most of your plate with vegetables, a little protein, some carbs, and a dollop of fat. I had to figure out how to make my meal match the advice. I went to the fridge and picked out some ingredients.

While I was making my “2B Mindset”-inspired lunch, I started thinking about this relationship advice I’d read once. It was about a woman named Monique who forgave her husband for some “bad behavior.” I put the sliced carrots, cabbages, and beef into the pan. It reminded me that sometimes, making a decision is about letting go of something, even if it’s hard. I added the sauce and turned on the gas. Forgiveness, that’s one solution. Right?

Oh, and get this, I also learned something completely random about “UTF-8.” It’s this computer thingy that lets you use all sorts of characters from different languages. I guess the connection I made in my head was that just like UTF-8 has room for all these different characters, I needed to make room in my mind for all these different possibilities and not get overwhelmed. It is hard to explain, but it made sense to me.

As for the “Hanging-2BTrick-2Bor-2BTreat-2BOut-2Bof-2BCandy-2BSign” comment, that’s beyond me. It looks like some kind of inside joke or something.

Finally, I read some definitions of words like “pass” and “period.” I think I was just trying to find some clarity in language. “Pass” could mean giving something to someone or a gap between mountains. “Period” could be a portion of time or a punctuation mark. Words can be just as confusing as life, you know?

After all that, I felt a little better. I didn’t magically solve all my problems or make any huge decisions. But I did manage to eat a healthy lunch and acknowledge the conflict within myself. I realized that it’s okay to feel stuck sometimes. The important thing is to keep exploring, keep learning, and keep trying to understand yourself, even if it means consulting tarot cards and going down internet rabbit holes. And who knows, maybe tomorrow I’ll pull a card that tells me to go skydiving or something. Life’s a wild ride, right?

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