Okay, so, I’ve been seeing this number, 813, like, everywhere lately. On license plates, clocks, receipts, you name it. It’s been kinda freaking me out, to be honest. I’m not usually one for this kind of stuff, but it got to the point where I was like, “Alright, universe, I’m listening.” So, I started to do some digging about the number 813.
I learned that the number could mean different things. Some people say numbers like these come up when you’re at a crossroads. That was a bit too vague for me. But then I found something more interesting!
I stumbled upon this idea that 813 means “I love you” – 8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning. It made me go “woah” because I didn’t expect that at all! I had heard of angel numbers but never thought they could have such a simple yet powerful message.

So, I decided to dive deeper. I started journaling every time I saw 813, noting down the context, how I was feeling, and what was happening around me.
I even tried a little experiment. I started repeating “I love you” to myself whenever I saw 813. Sounds corny, right? But I figured, why not? What’s the worst that could happen?
My Findings
- Week 1: Mostly just noticing the number everywhere. Felt a bit silly repeating “I love you” but I kept at it.
- Week 2: Started feeling a little lighter, a little more…positive? Hard to explain. Like a little weight was lifted off my shoulders.
- Week 3: This is where things got interesting. I started noticing good things happening around me. Small things, like getting a free coffee or finding a parking spot right in front of the store. But also bigger things, like finally getting that promotion I’d been hoping for.
Now, I’m not saying that seeing 813 magically solved all my problems. But I do think it helped me shift my mindset. I started focusing on the positive, on love, on gratitude. And that, I think, made all the difference. I love this simple experiment I did!
So, if you’re seeing 813, or any other number, maybe give it a try. Maybe it’s the universe trying to tell you something. Or maybe it’s just a coincidence. But either way, what have you got to lose? I embraced the idea of love, and it brought some unexpected positivity into my life. Maybe it will for you too.
That’s about it for my little experiment. Hope it gave you something to think about. Just stay open, stay positive, and who knows what might happen!