Okay, here is my sharing about my experience with the “1225 angel number”:
So, I kept seeing this number, 1225, like, everywhere. On clocks, license plates, receipts, you name it. At first, I was like, “Whatever, it’s just a coincidence.” But it kept happening, like, a LOT. So, I started getting this weird feeling that it might mean something more, you know?
I started to try to find its meaning in numerology, and I did some googling about it.

I began to do some research. I looked it up online, and apparently, 1225 is what’s called an “angel number.”
I read a bunch of stuff about angel numbers. They’re supposed to be messages from your, like, spirit guides or angels or whatever. And each number has its own special meaning.
From what I gathered, 1225 is all about change and moving forward. It’s like a nudge from the universe telling you to trust the process and go for it.
Honestly, it kind of resonated with me. I’d been feeling a little stuck lately, and this whole 1225 thing felt like a sign to shake things up.
I decided to take it as a sign to trust my guts and make some changes in my life.
My Experiment Begins
First, I started paying more attention to my intuition. You know that little voice in your head? I started listening to it more instead of just ignoring it like I usually do.
For example, I had this idea for a new project at work, but I was kind of scared to pitch it. But then I remembered the whole 1225 thing and decided to just go for it. And guess what? My boss loved it!
Then, I started trying to be more open to new opportunities. I’m usually a creature of habit, but I made an effort to step outside my comfort zone.
I started saying “yes” to things I’d normally say “no” to. Like, I went to this random networking event, even though I hate those things. And I actually met some really cool people.
Finally, I focused on letting go of things that weren’t serving me anymore. This was the hardest part, but it was also the most rewarding.

There was this friend I had who was always kind of negative and draining. It was tough, but I realized I needed to create some distance there for my own well-being.
The Results
It’s not like my life magically transformed overnight. But I definitely started feeling more positive and in control.
By trusting my gut and taking some chances, I opened myself up to new possibilities. And by letting go of negativity, I created space for better things to come into my life.
I’m still seeing 1225 from time to time, but now it feels more like a friendly reminder than a weird coincidence. It’s like the universe is saying, “Hey, you’re on the right track, keep going!”
So, yeah, that’s my 1225 story. It might sound a little woo-woo, but it’s been a pretty cool experience. It just goes to show, sometimes you gotta pay attention to the signs, even if they seem a little crazy at first.