3 of Pentacles as Feelings for Ex:  A Tarot Card Reading About Old Love, Teamwork, and Future

3 of Pentacles as Feelings for Ex: A Tarot Card Reading About Old Love, Teamwork, and Future

Okay, here’s a blog post about my recent experience, written in the style you requested:

So, I had this thing with my ex, right? It ended, but feelings are messy, you know? I was all over the place emotionally, and I needed some kind of clarity. That’s when I turned to the Tarot. I’ve dabbled in it before, not super seriously, but enough to know the basics.

I decided to do a simple one-card pull to get a sense of what’s up with my feelings about this whole situation. I shuffled the deck, focusing on my ex and how I felt about him. I was really concentrating, trying to clear my mind of all the noise. And then, I pulled the card: 3 of Pentacles.

3 of Pentacles as Feelings for Ex:  A Tarot Card Reading About Old Love, Teamwork, and Future

Now, I ain’t no Tarot expert, but I remembered that the 3 of Pentacles has something to do with teamwork and collaboration. And as my feelings for him? I was confused. My initial reaction was like, “Huh? Teamwork? What does that have to do with how I’m feeling about my ex?” This was so confusing, you know what I mean? Like, what the heck is this all about?

I grabbed my phone and started searching on the web. I went through a few websites, just trying to piece it all together, there is something about “Key predictors of the health, stability.” I jotted that down, feeling a little bit more connected to the card’s energy. “Morphological description.” That’s some kind of scientific term, right? Maybe it’s about the structure of my feelings, how they’re built?

And this is the part that got me: “When the Page of Pentacles appears in a Tarot reading, you are tapping into your ability to manifest a personal goal or dream and may be in the midst of a new project such as a hobby.” It hit me that maybe this card wasn’t just about my ex. Maybe it was about ME. Maybe it was telling me that I needed to work with myself to figure out my feelings, to build something new from this experience.

Then I went down a bit of a rabbit hole, looking up stuff about the nervous system. Something about “These tiny powerhouses of information processing are the building blocks of our nervous system, orchestrating every thought, emotion.” Okay, that resonated. My thoughts and emotions about my ex were definitely all tangled up. It was like my internal wiring was all messed up, you know?

  • I started to see the 3 of Pentacles in a new light.
  • It wasn’t about getting back together or some fantasy of us working things out as a couple.
  • It was about the internal work I needed to do.
  • It was about recognizing that I needed to collaborate with different parts of myself—my head, my heart, my gut—to really understand my feelings and move forward.
  • I am thinking maybe I should have a new start in a different way.

It wasn’t the answer I expected, but it was definitely the answer I needed. It’s not an easy road, but I’m feeling more focused now, I realized that this is part of my life. I made up my mind. I’m ready to do the work, to build something new and better for myself. It’s a journey, and I’m just getting started.

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