Well now, let’s talk about this here “38 life path number” thing. I ain’t no fancy scholar or nothin’, but I’ve heard folks chatterin’ about it, so I reckon I can piece it together for ya.
First off, what is this “life path number” anyhow? Sounds mighty important, like some kinda road map for your life, right? From what I gather, it’s a number you get from your birthday. You add up all them numbers – the month, the day, the year – and you keep addin’ until you get just one number. But see, this here 38, that’s two numbers, ain’t it? So, you gotta add them two together too. Three plus eight is eleven, and you might even have to add those up again if you stick to the single number rule. But 38 itself, it carries its own meaning, before getting to that single number, or maybe you end up with a master number like 11, 22 or 33 but that’s another story.
Now, this 38 number, it ain’t one of them regular single numbers, see? It’s a bigger number. Some folks say it means you’re a real dreamer. Always thinkin’ about big ideas, wanting to help folks, make the world a better place. Like one of them saints, always givin’ and never askin’ for nothin’ back. That’s what they call “altruistic,” I think.
- Bein’ a Dreamer (38 Life Path Number Meaning)
- Helpin’ Others (Being Altruistic)
- Creativity and Inspiration
If you got this 38 number, you probably got a head full of ideas, always plannin’ and schemin’, hopin’ to make somethin’ good happen. You ain’t just thinkin’ about yourself, neither. You’re thinkin’ about everyone else too. Maybe dreaming of building a well for the village or starting a school for all the young’uns.
This number means you got a good heart. You see someone in need, you wanna lend a hand. You ain’t lookin’ for praise or money, you just wanna do what’s right. That’s what that “altruistic” word means, I reckon. Bein’ kind and generous, just like my old Ma used to say, “treat others like you want to be treated” she always said. It ain’t always easy, though. Sometimes folks take advantage, and that can make you feel mighty sour. But you just gotta keep on believin’ in the good in people.
This here 38 number, it’s also got a lot to do with bein’ creative. You might be good at makin’ things with your hands, or maybe you got a way with words. You see the world in a different way than most folks, and you can use that to make somethin’ beautiful or tell a good story. You might also be real good at inspiring others. Getting them all riled up about doing good deeds or making a change.
Now, let’s talk about gettin’ along with folks. They call it “compatibility,” which just means how well you mesh with other people. See, everyone’s got their own life path number, and some numbers just go together better than others. It’s like makin’ a quilt, you need different pieces to make it whole, but some colors and patterns just look better together. If you meet a person with a “38” life path, you might get along just fine if your number is kind, you know?
From what I hear, if you got a 38 life path number, you might get along real good with folks who got a life path number 1, cause they’re leaders and full of ideas just like you. Or maybe a number 3 because they are creative too. There is also 6, they are always taking care of everyone. And finally 9 since they also want to save the world like you. But if you’re with a number 4, who is very serious, or an 8, who only care about money, you might have some trouble. They probably won’t like all of your ideas and dreams. It ain’t set in stone, though. Just cause your numbers don’t match up perfect, don’t mean you can’t be friends or lovers. You just gotta work a little harder at understandin’ each other. Like tryin’ to get a mule to pull a wagon, sometimes you gotta coax it a little, give it a carrot, you know?
They got these fancy calculators and charts for figurin’ out compatibility, but I say the best way to know if you get along with someone is to just spend time with ’em. Talk to ’em, see how they treat you and other folks. Numbers can tell you a little somethin’, but they can’t tell you everything. Life’s too complicated for that. You gotta use your own heart and your own head to figure things out.
So, there you have it. That’s my two cents on this here 38 life path number. It’s all about dreamin’ big, helpin’ others, and findin’ your place in this world. Just remember to stay true to yourself, be kind to folks, and don’t let nobody tell you your dreams are too big. And if you find a good person that matches with you well, well you hang on to them like grim death. That’s the real secret to a happy life, no matter what your number is.
Tags: [Life Path Number, Numerology, Compatibility, 38 Life Path Number, Relationships, Personal Growth, Altruism, Creativity, Inspiration]