Okay, so, I pulled the 5 of Pentacles reversed today during my morning reading, and it got me thinking about how a particular person might be seeing me.
I shuffled the deck, really focused on this person, let’s call him “Alex”. We’ve been kind of rocky lately, you know? Not really seeing eye-to-eye, some miscommunication, that kind of stuff. Then, I did a simple three-card spread, and bam, the 5 of Pentacles reversed pops up in the “how someone sees you” position.
At first, I was like, “Oh man, this is not good.” Because you know, the reversed 5 of Pentacles, it’s usually about some rough stuff, right? Feeling left out in the cold, financial hardship, maybe even some health issues. But then I remembered that this wasn’t about my situation in general, it was about how Alex might be perceiving me.

So I started to think deeper, I tried to connect the card to our recent interactions, and I realized this is an indication, maybe, that Alex is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, in terms of our relationship, you know? Maybe, from his perspective, he is seeing that the hard times are ending.
I went further and considered other possible interpretations. Like, maybe he sees me as someone who’s finally getting back on their feet after a tough time. I did have a bit of a rough patch a while back, career-wise, and I’ve been working really hard to turn things around. It’s possible he’s recognizing that effort and sees me as someone who’s resilient, who’s coming out stronger.
To really nail it down, I spent some time journaling about it, writing down all the possible meanings and how they might relate to our current dynamic.
- Maybe he sees me as less needy or dependent now.
- Or maybe he feels like I’m finally overcoming some personal challenges.
- He might even see me as someone who’s ready to move forward, to leave the past behind.
Getting the 5 of Pentacles reversed in that position was a real eye-opener. It made me realize that even though we’ve had some issues, he might be seeing a positive shift. It’s not about him seeing me as a burden or someone who’s struggling, but rather as someone who’s overcoming those struggles. It gave me a sense of hope. You know, it helped me see things from his perspective, and I think that’s going to be really helpful for us moving forward.
This whole experience really just reinforced for me how much I love tarot. It’s not just about predicting the future, it’s about gaining insight, understanding, and empathy. It’s about seeing things from a different angle, and that’s invaluable, especially in relationships.
So yeah, that was my big “aha” moment of the day. Just thought I’d share it with you all. Tarot can be pretty wild, right?