6 of Diamonds Yes or No: What Does it Mean in Love and Career Readings

6 of Diamonds Yes or No: What Does it Mean in Love and Career Readings

Okay, here is a blog post about “6 of diamonds yes or no” from my personal experience:

So, I’ve been messing around with this whole tarot thing, just for kicks, you know? And today, I pulled the 6 of Diamonds. Now, I ain’t no expert, but I do like to jot down what happens when I’m trying new stuff. So here’s the deal with my little experiment today.

What I did

First, I shuffled my deck like a maniac – gotta get those cards mixed up good. Then, I laid them out and just stared at them for a bit, thinking about some stuff that’s been bugging me. It is a big decision of whether I should start my own business or not. I drew the 6 of Diamonds. Not gonna lie, I had to look this one up ’cause, like I said, I’m just starting out. From what the old book said, this card is all about balance and making decisions, especially about money and work. It felt kind of spot-on since that’s what I was thinking about.

6 of Diamonds Yes or No: What Does it Mean in Love and Career Readings

How I felt

Honestly, pulling that card made me pause. It was like the universe was telling me to stop and think. So, I did. I started weighing the pros and cons of this decision I’ve been going back and forth on. It was weirdly calming to just sit there and really think about what each choice would mean. The card didn’t give me a straight “yes” or “no,” but it did push me to think harder about what I really want.

What I recorded

  • Pulled Card: 6 of Diamonds
  • Question: Whether I should start my own business or not
  • Initial Feeling: Surprised but motivated to think.
  • Action Taken: Listed pros and cons, thought about long-term effects.
  • Outcome: Didn’t make a decision yet, but felt way more clear-headed about everything.

What’s next?

I’m not sure yet. I think it also says “now is the time to change, if you are ready”. It’s like, the card helped me see that I need to do more digging before I can decide. Maybe I should reach out to my friend who already started their own business and ask for some advice. I still think it’s a sign to go for it. I’ll keep pulling cards and see what they say, but I’m also gonna start taking real steps to figure this out, not just relying on the cards, you know? Just thought about that diamond’s price also changes all the time in the international gold markets from New York to London, maybe it also means changes. And it is forever changing how diamonds are evaluated.

This whole thing might sound silly to some, but it’s been a cool way to get me thinking outside the box. I’ll share more as I keep going with this. It’s all about the journey, right?

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