6 of Pentacles as Feelings for Ex: Could It Indicate a Desire to Balance Things Out?

6 of Pentacles as Feelings for Ex: Could It Indicate a Desire to Balance Things Out?

Today, I pulled out my tarot deck, the usual one I’ve been practicing with for a while now. I was thinking about my ex, you know, the usual wondering about what they’re feeling, especially since we ended on a kinda weird note. So, I shuffled the deck, focusing on that question: “What are my ex’s feelings towards me?” And bam, the Six of Pentacles pops up.

Now, I remember this card from when I first started learning tarot. It’s the one with a person giving coins to others, right? It always gave me this vibe of giving and receiving, like a balance thing. So, seeing it in this context got me thinking.

I grabbed my tarot journal and started jotting down some initial thoughts. The Six of Pentacles, in a general sense, it’s about generosity, sharing, and maybe even charity. But in the context of feelings for an ex? That’s a bit more complicated.

6 of Pentacles as Feelings for Ex: Could It Indicate a Desire to Balance Things Out?

I flipped through some of my older notes and even did a quick browse through my go-to tarot book. It seems like this card can indicate a few different things when it comes to relationships. On one hand, it could mean that my ex is feeling generous towards me, maybe they’re remembering the good times we shared, or they have a sense of goodwill. Like, no hard feelings, you know?

But then there’s the other side of the coin, no pun intended. It could also mean that they feel like they gave a lot in the relationship, maybe more than they received. This made me pause and reflect on our time together. Was I as giving as I should have been? Did I appreciate everything they brought to the table?

I spent a good hour just pondering and writing. I listed out some of the positive aspects of our relationship and also some of the areas where we struggled. It was a bit of a tough exercise, to be honest, but it felt necessary to understand the card’s message fully.

In the end, here’s what I concluded: the Six of Pentacles, in this situation, is probably telling me that my ex has mixed feelings. There’s likely a sense of fairness and maybe even a bit of nostalgia. They probably acknowledge the good that we had, but they also recognize the imbalances that might have existed. It doesn’t necessarily mean they want to get back together, but it does suggest that they’re not holding onto anger or resentment.

Here are the main ideas I wrote down in my journal:

  • Possible positive interpretation: My ex feels a sense of goodwill and remembers the good times. They might even feel generous in their thoughts towards me.
  • Possible challenging interpretation: They might feel like they gave more than they received in the relationship.
  • Overall: The card suggests a balanced perspective, acknowledging both the good and the not-so-good. No hard feelings, but also no illusions.

It was a really insightful practice. Tarot, for me, it’s not about predicting the future, but more about gaining clarity and understanding. And today, it really helped me process some complex feelings. So, if you ever draw the Six of Pentacles when thinking about an ex, remember that it’s not just about giving or receiving, it’s about acknowledging the balance, or lack thereof, in the past relationship.

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