6 of Wands How Someone Feels About You: Youre on a Pedestal in Their Eyes

6 of Wands How Someone Feels About You: Youre on a Pedestal in Their Eyes

Okay, here’s my blog post about the “6 of Wands” and how someone feels about you, written in the style you requested:

So, I was messing around with my tarot cards the other day, just kinda seeing what the vibes were, you know? And I got to thinking about this one card, the 6 of Wands. It’s one of those cards that can be a real confidence booster, especially when you’re wondering about how someone feels about you.

I pulled the 6 of Wands in a reading once when I was curious about this person I’d been seeing. We’d just started hanging out, and things were going pretty good, but I was still in that stage where I was overthinking everything. “Do they really like me? Are they just being nice?” That kinda stuff.

6 of Wands How Someone Feels About You: Youre on a Pedestal in Their Eyes

Anyway, I did a simple three-card spread, just focusing on getting a general feel for the situation. And bam, there it was, the 6 of Wands, right in the “their feelings” position. Now, if you’ve ever seen this card, you’ll know it usually shows a person riding a horse, holding a wand with a wreath on it, and there are other people around cheering them on. It’s all very “victory parade” vibes.

I remember staring at that card and thinking, “Okay, this is good. This is definitely good.” See, the 6 of Wands is all about recognition, success, and feeling like you’re on top of the world. When it comes to feelings, it’s like someone’s not just into you, they’re, like, proud to be with you. They see you as someone awesome, someone worth celebrating.

  • Triumph: This card screamed to me that this person felt a sense of victory or accomplishment in being with me. Like they had “won” something by being in my life.
  • Admiration: It was obvious they looked up to me in some way, admired my qualities, and thought I was pretty darn great.
  • Public Acknowledgment: It made me feel like they weren’t just feeling these things privately; they were probably telling their friends how great I was, maybe even showing me off a bit.

After seeing that card, I went and looked up some meanings online, just to see what others had to say. I saw someone mention that the 7 of Wands is like defending the win you got in the 6 of Wands, and that kinda made sense. It’s like, once you’ve got that good thing going, you gotta protect it, right? I also saw someone talking about the 2 of Wands and choice, and yeah, that fits too. There’s always a choice in any relationship, and this card suggested they were actively choosing to be with me.

So, I decided to just go with the flow and see what happened with this person. And you know what? The 6 of Wands was spot on. Things continued to go really well, and it was clear they were genuinely excited to be around me. They were always introducing me to their friends, complimenting me, and just making me feel amazing. It felt like I’d won the lottery or something.

It’s been a while now, and even though things eventually ended between us (amicably, thankfully!), I still look back on that 6 of Wands reading with a smile. It taught me a lot about trusting my intuition and recognizing the positive signs in a relationship. It also reminded me that sometimes, you just gotta enjoy the good times and not overthink things too much. After all, who doesn’t want to feel like they’re riding a horse in a victory parade, right?

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