7 of Swords Present Meaning Explained: What You Need to Know!

7 of Swords Present Meaning Explained: What You Need to Know!

Okay, here is my blog post about the “7 of Swords Present” and my experience with it.

So, I pulled the Seven of Swords in the present position during a reading the other day, and let me tell you, it threw me for a loop at first. I’ve always kind of associated this card with straight-up bad news – you know, lies, betrayal, that sort of thing. I was feeling the tension and I started to get into the practice.

I grabbed my notebook and started jotting down everything that came to mind. The image on the card is a guy sneaking away with five swords, leaving two behind. It screams “thief” or someone trying to get away with something. My first instinct was to think, “Okay, who’s trying to screw me over right now?” But then I paused and reminded myself that I was pulling the card for the present and I was going to do a practice with it.

7 of Swords Present Meaning Explained: What You Need to Know!

I took a few deep breaths and tried to clear my head. I looked at the card again, really focusing on the details. The guy’s expression is kind of sly, cunning. It’s not necessarily malicious, but definitely not trustworthy. I started thinking about situations in my life where I might be acting in a similar way, even if it’s just to myself.

I spent some time meditating on the card’s meaning, letting the images and symbols sink in. I visualized myself as the figure on the card, sneaking away with those swords. What was I trying to get away with? What was I avoiding? I started questioning what am I taking from others, or maybe even from myself, without really acknowledging it?

  • Am I being completely honest with myself about my motivations?
  • Am I cutting corners somewhere, maybe taking the easy way out instead of doing the hard work?
  • Am I avoiding a difficult conversation or a situation that needs to be addressed?

This card, even in the present, can be a warning sign. It suggests that some sneaky business might be afoot, and it’s time to pay attention.

Self-Reflection Time

After my meditation, I grabbed my journal and started writing down some reflections. I realized I had been putting off a project I was supposed to do with a friend, kind of hoping he would forget about it, or be happy to do it himself. I wouldn’t say I was stealing, but I was doing something shady. Not cool. I’ve also been avoiding some tough conversations with my partner. Nothing major, but I knew I needed to be more open and honest. The card was right, I was behaving in a sneaky way to avoid some discomfort.

The Seven of Swords, even in the present position, isn’t necessarily about someone else deceiving you. Sometimes, it’s about the ways we deceive ourselves or try to take shortcuts. It’s a reminder to be honest, to face things head-on, and to act with integrity. I made a commitment to myself to address these issues.

I called my friend, told him I was sorry for the delay, and suggested some new ideas for the project. I also sat down with my partner and had that tough conversation. It wasn’t easy, but it was necessary, and I had a good result, my friend was not angry at all and my partner was happy that I finally told her my thoughts. It felt good to clear the air and get back on the right path. I thanked the Seven of Swords for the wake-up call and put the card back in my deck. The practice was done, it did help me a lot and I think this is why I love tarot reading!

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