8 of Cups Outcome: Is it Time to Walk Away Now?

8 of Cups Outcome: Is it Time to Walk Away Now?

So, I had this tarot reading today, and the outcome card was the 8 of Cups. Let me tell you, it got me thinking. I’ve been feeling off in this relationship lately, like something’s missing, you know?

I did this reading because I wanted some clarity. Things have been rocky, and I just wasn’t sure what my next move should be. I laid out the cards, did my usual shuffling and focusing, and when I got to the outcome, there it was – the 8 of Cups. This card, it’s all about walking away from something that’s not fulfilling you anymore.

I stared at the card for a good while. It shows a figure walking away from a stack of cups, heading towards some mountains. I thought to myself, “Is this me? Am I the one walking away?” It felt kind of heavy, but also a bit relieving, in a strange way.

8 of Cups Outcome: Is it Time to Walk Away Now?

I looked up some interpretations of the 8 of Cups. Some websites said it’s about leaving a bad relationship, others talked about emotional decisions. I think what struck me the most was the idea of choosing to leave a situation that’s not working for you anymore, even if it’s tough.

  • First, I sat down and really thought about my relationship. What’s good, what’s not so good, and what’s just plain missing.
  • Then, I tried to connect those feelings with the imagery of the card. Was I feeling drained? Yeah, definitely. Was I yearning for something more? Absolutely.
  • Finally, I realized that the 8 of Cups wasn’t telling me what to do, but it was showing me that it’s okay to consider walking away if that’s what my heart is telling me.

This whole experience was a real eye-opener. I’m still not 100% sure what I’m going to do, but I feel a little more at peace with the idea of leaving if that’s what’s best. It’s like the 8 of Cups gave me permission to think about my own happiness, even if it means making a difficult decision. I think, at the end of the day, it’s about listening to your own heart and not being afraid to make a change, even if it’s scary.

I also saw the other side of the card. It could mean I’m just feeling worn out and not necessarily that the relationship has to end. Maybe I just need some time to recharge and figure out what I really want. But one thing’s for sure, I can’t ignore these feelings anymore.

This whole tarot thing, it’s not about predicting the future, but more about giving you a new perspective on things. And the 8 of Cups, it really made me think about what I truly value in a relationship and what I’m willing to accept. It is not an easy decision, but it is a necessary one.

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