8 of Swords as Feelings: What Do They Really Mean?

8 of Swords as Feelings: What Do They Really Mean?

Alright, let’s talk about this here “8 of Swords” card, you know, the one with all the swords around a person. Folks say it’s about feelings, so let’s get down to it, real and plain-like.

What’s this 8 of Swords Feeling Like?

Well, when this card pops up, it’s like you’re stuck in a mud pit, can’t move forward, can’t move back. Like you got blinders on, only seein’ the bad stuff, the problems. It ain’t a good feeling, that’s for sure. It’s like bein’ all tied up, but the ropes ain’t real, they’re all in your head, you see?

8 of Swords as Feelings: What Do They Really Mean?

You feel trapped, like a bird in a cage. But the thing is, the door’s unlocked, but you can’t see it. You keep thinkin’, “I can’t do this, I can’t do that.” You’re tellin’ yourself all these stories, and they ain’t helpful stories, no sir.

It’s like when you’re frettin’ over somethin’ that ain’t even happened yet. You’re worryin’ about what might go wrong, and that worryin’ keeps you from doin’ anythin’ at all. It’s like you’re waitin’ for the sky to fall, and you forget to enjoy the sunshine.

Relationships and the 8 of Swords

Now, if you’re askin’ about love, and this card shows up, it ain’t the best news. It means someone’s feelin’ stuck in the relationship, like they can’t breathe. Maybe they feel controlled, or maybe they just don’t see a way out of a bad situation.

  • They might be thinkin’, “I gotta stay, even though I’m miserable.”
  • Or maybe, “If I leave, things will be even worse.”

It’s like they’re between a rock and a hard place, see? They’re lookin’ at all the things that are wrong, instead of lookin’ for a way to fix ‘em, or maybe even just walk away. They’re focusin’ on the negative, makin’ themselves more and more unhappy.

What to Do When You Get the 8 of Swords Feeling

First thing’s first, you gotta take a deep breath. Then, you gotta realize that most of the time, the things you’re afraid of ain’t real. They’re just in your head. You’re makin’ mountains out of molehills, as they say. You gotta stop listenin’ to that little voice in your head that’s tellin’ you you’re stuck.

Look around, see? There’s always a way out, always a choice. Maybe you can’t see it right now, but it’s there. You just gotta open your eyes and look for it. And sometimes, you gotta ask for help. There ain’t no shame in that. Talk to a friend, a family member, somebody you trust. They might see things you can’t see.

The 8 of Swords Reversed

Now, sometimes this card shows up upside down, what they call “reversed.” That’s a good thing! It means you’re startin’ to break free from those chains you put on yourself. You’re seein’ things clearer, seein’ the way out of that mud pit. You’re startin’ to think positive, and that’s a powerful thing.

8 of Swords as Feelings: What Do They Really Mean?

You’re takin’ off those blinders and seein’ all the possibilities that are out there. You’re startin’ to believe in yourself again, and that’s the most important thing. It’s like the sun finally breakin’ through the clouds. You’re feelin’ hopeful, feelin’ strong. You’re ready to face whatever comes your way.

Final Thoughts

So, this here 8 of Swords, it’s a card about feelin’ trapped, feelin’ stuck. But remember, those feelin’s ain’t permanent. You got the power to change your thinkin’, change your situation. You just gotta believe you can, and then, well, then you gotta take that first step. It ain’t always easy, but it’s always worth it. And remember, just like you wouldn’t judge a neighbor by their worst mistake, don’t go judgin’ yourself too harshly either.

The message is this: You ain’t stuck, unless you decide you are. Look for the light, it’s always there, even if it’s just a little flicker. Hold onto that flicker, and it’ll grow brighter and brighter.

The main thing to remember about this 8 of Swords card? It’s all in your head. Your mind’s playin’ tricks on ya, tellin’ you things ain’t as good as they could be, makin’ ya feel stuck. But it ain’t the truth. You gotta fight back against those thoughts, find that inner strength, and get yourself movin’ again.

Tags: [Tarot, 8 of Swords, Feelings, Relationships, Trapped, Stuck, Limitations, Overcome, Mindset, Positivity]

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