9 of Wands Intentions: How to Read it Right! Quick Tips to Understand the Card.

9 of Wands Intentions: How to Read it Right! Quick Tips to Understand the Card.

Alright, let’s talk about this “9 of Wands Intentions” thing. It’s been quite a journey, let me tell you. I started this whole process feeling pretty beat, not gonna lie. Like I was on my last leg. But you know what? I had this gut feeling that I had to keep pushing, like something was telling me not to give up just yet.

So, I dug deep. I mean, really deep. I started by setting some clear goals. Not just any goals, but ones that I felt strongly about. It wasn’t easy, especially with all the challenges I was facing. It felt like everything was against me. It is the same feeling as the “9 of wands” in a tarot card. But I kept reminding myself, “I’ve come this far, I’m not turning back now.” That’s what this whole “9 of Wands” thing is about, right? Resilience and persistence, and not letting anyone or anything take away what you’ve earned.

I made a plan. A simple one, but something to keep me on track. I wrote it down, stuck it on my wall, and looked at it every single day. It had all my intentions laid out, clear as day. This is the intention that the “9 of wands” wants me to hold.

9 of Wands Intentions: How to Read it Right! Quick Tips to Understand the Card.
  • Stay focused: No getting sidetracked.
  • Keep pushing: Even when I felt like I couldn’t.
  • Believe in myself: This was a big one.

I started taking action, one step at a time. Some days were harder than others. There were times I wanted to throw in the towel, but then I’d see my plan, remember why I started, and keep going.

I also started talking about it. Not to everyone, just a few close friends who I knew would support me. Sharing my intentions out loud made them feel more real, more achievable. The “9 of wands” wants me to get support from friends.

Slowly but surely, I started seeing progress. It wasn’t a huge leap, but little wins here and there. Each small victory fueled me to keep going. It was like I was building momentum, one step at a time. Like, I knew that I had a lot of fight left in me. And I’m not going to be defeated, not by a long shot. The upright “9 of wands” tarot card means I have an unwavering resolve to keep going.

And you know what? I started feeling more confident. More sure of myself and my ability to achieve my goals. It was like this whole process was not only helping me reach my intentions but also making me a stronger, more resilient person.

Looking back, I’m amazed at how far I’ve come. I’m not saying it was easy, it definitely wasn’t. But it was worth it. Every single step. And that’s what I want to share with you today. If you’re feeling stuck, or like you’re about to give up, don’t. Remember the “9 of Wands” – it’s a reminder that you have the strength and determination to keep going, no matter what.

My Takeaway

This whole experience taught me that setting intentions and sticking to them is a powerful thing. It’s not just about achieving your goals, but also about growing as a person. So, if you have something you want to achieve, go for it. Set your intentions, make a plan, and don’t give up. You might surprise yourself with what you’re capable of.

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