So, the other day I was kinda messing around with my tarot cards, right? Just trying to figure out some stuff about this guy I’ve been seeing. We’ve been off and on, and honestly, I’m not even sure what’s going on between us anymore. Anyways, I pulled out the Page of Wands but it was reversed, which totally threw me off.
I started digging around, trying to make sense of it. What I found was pretty much a mixed bag. Some sources said it means confusion, like maybe he’s feeling good one minute and then totally unsure the next. Sounds about right, given how hot and cold he’s been acting. Others talked about how it relates to commitment, which, let’s be honest, is something we haven’t really touched on. We’re both pretty free-spirited, so the idea of settling down isn’t exactly on our radar.
I remember this one time, I did a reading about our potential future and got the Two of Wands and Page of Swords together. That was a trip! It was all about making decisions and power dynamics. We were definitely in a weird power struggle then, and I was trying to figure out where I stood. Made sense at the time, but it’s still up in the air.

Then there’s the whole upright versus reversed thing. Upright Page of Wands is all about new ideas, discovery, and being a free spirit. Reversed is like, the opposite, self-limiting beliefs, and being unsure. Yeah, that’s him to a T. One day he’s all about exploring new things, the next he’s doubting everything, especially us.
- Pulled the card: I literally just shuffled my deck and pulled out the Page of Wands, upside down.
- Read up on it: I checked out a bunch of different interpretations online.
- Compared to past readings: I thought back to that Two of Wands and Page of Swords reading I did a while back.
- Reflected on our situation: I realized how much the reversed meaning fit with our current dynamic.
The thing that really got me was when I read that the reversed Page of Wands can represent bad news or delays, especially in letters or messages. And guess what? He’s been super slow to respond to my texts lately. Like, we’re talking days here. It’s frustrating as hell, and it definitely feels like a setback in whatever this is we’re doing.
It’s like, this card is telling me he’s all over the place, and I should expect things to be slow and confusing. Which, honestly, isn’t what I wanted to hear. I had a reading with Ace of Wands before, but now it seems not exactly what it was. But I guess it’s better to know than to be totally in the dark, right? Still, it’s a bummer.
I even went back and looked at some other cards I’ve pulled for him before. They all seem to point to this same theme of uncertainty and mixed signals. It’s like the universe is trying to tell me something, but I’m still not sure what to do with this information. I tried to ask tarot about that, but it didn’t give me a straight answer.
So, yeah, that’s where I’m at with this whole Page of Wands reversed situation. It’s a lot to process, and I’m still trying to figure out how I feel about it all. Maybe I need to just let things unfold naturally and see where they go. Or maybe I need to take a more active role in getting some clarity. Who knows? But it’s definitely given me a lot to think about.
My Next Steps
- Wait it out: I’m thinking of just giving him some space and seeing what happens.
- Talk to him: Maybe I need to have a real conversation with him about all this.
- Do another reading: I might try another tarot spread to get a clearer picture.
- Focus on myself: Ultimately, I need to prioritize my own well-being in all of this.
It’s a journey, for sure. And I’m learning as I go. Thanks for listening to my ramblings. It helps to just get it all out there, you know?