Alright, let’s dive into today’s adventure: a free question and answer tarot reading session. I’ve always been intrigued by tarot, not necessarily for predicting the future, but more as a tool for self-reflection, you know? So, I decided to give it a go today.
First, I searched online for a decent website that offers free readings. There are tons out there, but I wanted something simple and straightforward. I stumbled upon one that looked pretty legit, no fancy graphics or anything, just a clean interface.
Next, I needed a question. It’s not about getting a definite answer, but more about exploring my thoughts around a topic. After some thinking, I settled on “What should I focus on to improve my overall well-being?” It’s a bit broad, but that’s what I wanted – a general direction rather than a specific instruction.

With my question in mind, I followed the website’s instructions. It was pretty easy. I clicked on a virtual deck of cards, and the website shuffled them digitally. Then, I picked three cards, as prompted. Each card, as I understand, represents the past, present, and future aspects of my question.
Here’s what I pulled:
- Past: The Hermit (reversed)
- Present: The Star
- Future: Strength
Now, I’m no tarot expert, so I had to do a bit of reading on the website to understand the meanings. The Hermit (reversed) in the past position, as far as I can tell, suggests a period of isolation or withdrawal that maybe wasn’t so productive. It could imply that I was overthinking things and not taking enough action.
The Star in the present position is much more positive. It seems to represent hope, inspiration, and a sense of renewal. It feels like I’m in a good place now, with a clearer perspective and a renewed sense of optimism. I mean, it resonates with how I’ve been feeling lately.
Finally, the Strength card in the future position is pretty encouraging. It’s all about inner strength, courage, and resilience. It suggests that I’ll be able to overcome any challenges that come my way by tapping into my inner resources. I also saw some other people saying this card stands for gentle strength not just hard, straight force.
So, what did I take away from this little experiment? Well, it seems like I’m on the right path. The reading suggests that I should continue to focus on nurturing my inner self, trusting my intuition, and staying positive. It’s not about forcing things but rather cultivating my inner strength and approaching challenges with a gentle but firm resolve. Maybe it’s just what I needed to hear, but it definitely gives me some food for thought.
Honestly, I found the whole process quite therapeutic. It’s like having a conversation with yourself, but with the cards acting as prompts. Whether you believe in the mystical aspects of tarot or not, it can be a powerful tool for self-discovery. I think I’ll try this again sometime. Maybe I’ll even invest in a physical deck of cards and learn more about the meanings and spreads. It’s a fascinating world, and I’m excited to explore it further.