Get a 6 of Pentacles Present Reading How to Understand Your Financial Situation

Get a 6 of Pentacles Present Reading How to Understand Your Financial Situation

Okay, so, yesterday I did a tarot reading with the question “Should I stay or should I leave my current job?” I’ve been feeling a bit stuck lately, you know? Not really sure where I’m going with my career.

I shuffled the deck, focused on my question, and pulled out a card. It was the Six of Pentacles. I’ve been trying to get better at reading tarot cards, and I remembered this one has something to do with finances and work situations.

I did some digging around to understand it better. It seems like this card can mean getting a raise or some kind of bonus. That would be great, of course! It also said something about being recognized for your work, which is definitely something I’m craving right now. I put in a lot of effort, but it sometimes feels like it goes unnoticed.

Get a 6 of Pentacles Present Reading How to Understand Your Financial Situation

Another thing I found was that the Six of Pentacles can represent patronage, like someone helping you out to reach your goals. But it also mentioned that this help might come with strings attached. I guess that’s something to watch out for. I don’t want to get myself into a tricky situation just for a bit of help.

  • Got a raise or bonus

  • Acknowledged for your work

  • Patronage, someone helping you out

On the flip side, it could also mean that I might be the one helping someone else out, like becoming a mentor or something. That’s kind of cool, too. I do enjoy sharing my knowledge and helping others grow.

Someone wrote that this card can symbolize karmic balance. That got me thinking about all the times I’ve helped others in the past. Maybe it’s my turn to receive some support now? It’s an interesting thought.

So, after all this, I’m still not 100% sure what to do about my job. But the Six of Pentacles has definitely given me some things to think about. I might be getting some kind of financial reward or recognition soon. Or maybe I’ll get help from someone, but I need to be careful about what that might entail. Or perhaps, I’ll be the one providing support to someone else. It’s a lot to process, but I feel like I’m a bit closer to figuring things out.

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