Well, now, if we’re talkin’ ’bout the Page of Swords and what it means in the realm of feelin’s, let me tell ya, this card’s a bit tricky, like a young’un who’s all curious and full o’ questions. When you see this card, it don’t just mean love, it means there’s somethin’ goin’ on upstairs in that head o’ theirs. Folks who pull this card, they ain’t just feelin’ things like a regular ol’ love story. No sir, they’re thinkin’ about things, watchin’ closely, and maybe even feelin’ a little restless in their hearts. It’s like they’re tryin’ to figure out the puzzle o’ you, takin’ notes and checkin’ out every little detail before they make up their mind.
Now, I ain’t sayin’ that they ain’t got feelin’s—they do. But they sure got their head stuck in them thoughts. The Page o’ Swords shows someone who’s all about the ideas, the talk, and the back-and-forth o’ things. They might be lookin’ at you from afar, observin’ you, maybe even readin’ between the lines of every little thing you do or say. It ain’t so much about romance yet, it’s more about that intellectual connection, like two people havin’ a good chat over the fence about life, politics, or whatnot.
If this card shows up in a love readin’, it means the air’s full of words and ideas, not so much the touchy-feely stuff. There might be a lot o’ questions bein’ asked, maybe some debates or even a bit o’ pushin’ and pullin’ with opinions. Folks might even be a bit guarded, hesitant to let their real feelings show. It’s like they got a guard up, not lettin’ everything out just yet.
Let’s talk about how the Page o’ Swords might make ‘em feel if they’re thinkin’ ‘bout an old flame, or maybe an ex. Well, it sure ain’t the warm, fuzzy feelin’s you’d hope for, but it ain’t bad neither. It’s more like the feelin’ o’ curiosity. Maybe they’re wonderin’ what you’re up to, or maybe they still got some unfinished business in their mind, like somethin’ they ain’t figured out yet. It’s like when you catch yourself thinkin’ about somethin’ you didn’t quite understand, and you just can’t shake it off. That’s what this card tells ya—they got their mind on ya, but maybe not their heart just yet.
But don’t get it twisted, there’s a lot o’ energy in this card. It ain’t a still, quiet card like a lullaby. Nah, it’s more like a whirlwind o’ thoughts, ideas, and questions, all swirlin’ around. Feelin’s might be all stirred up, like a pot o’ soup on the stove—everything floatin’ around, but nothing really settled down yet. This card speaks to a sense of restlessness, where things ain’t sure yet. It’s like someone’s sittin’ on a fence, thinkin’ whether to jump one way or another.
If you’ve been feelin’ like they ain’t showin’ their cards, well, that’s what the Page of Swords does. They keep their cards close to their chest. They ain’t gonna lay it all out, not yet. It’s all about keepin’ an eye out, watchin’, and thinkin’ about things from every angle before makin’ a move.
But, if they’re real serious about their feelin’s, they might start bringin’ more words into it. That’s how this card works. The more they talk, the more they’ll let you in on what’s goin’ on inside their head. So, if you’re dealin’ with someone who’s pullin’ this card in their feelin’s towards ya, don’t expect them to spill their guts right away. They might take their sweet time. But they’re thinkin’ about you, that’s for sure.
Now, don’t go thinkin’ that they’re feelin’ negative or mean, either. It’s just that their mind is workin’ overtime, tryin’ to figure out the best way to understand you, and maybe even themselves. It’s a bit like a kid who’s all curious about somethin’, but they ain’t sure how to ask the right questions yet. But don’t you worry, the Page o’ Swords is watchin’ and thinkin’, and sometimes that’s a good thing. When they do decide to talk, you’ll know where they stand.
But like I said, don’t expect ’em to be all lovey-dovey just yet. It’s all about ideas, talk, and maybe a few too many questions. So, if you’re hopin’ for a straight answer right away, you might be waitin’ a while. But you can bet they’re watchin’ and listenin’, and eventually, they’ll open up when the time’s right.
So, if you’ve pulled the Page of Swords in a love readin’, take it slow. It might not be the warmest card, but it sure is full o’ energy, curiosity, and the chance for real, deep conversations. And who knows? After all that thinkin’ and talkin’, there might just be some real feelin’s behind it, after all.
Tags:[Page of Swords, Tarot feelings, love tarot reading, intellectual connection, curiosity, restlessness, relationships, Tarot meanings, emotional clarity]