Saturn Trines and Past Life: Unlocking Your Karmic Secrets

Saturn Trines and Past Life: Unlocking Your Karmic Secrets

Alright, let’s talk about this Saturn thing and past lives, you know? I ain’t no fancy astrologer or nothin’, but I heard some things, and I’ll tell ya what I understand, plain and simple.

So, they say Saturn is this “karma planet.” Sounds heavy, right? Like if you were a bad egg in your last life, Saturn’s gonna make you pay for it now. But it ain’t all bad, see? It’s like, if you learned your lesson good and proper before, Saturn can give you a pat on the back this time around. It’s all about them lessons, you know, the stuff you gotta learn to grow.

Now, they talk about these “trines.” Sounds fancy, but it just means things are workin’ together nice and easy. Like butter on a hot biscuit. So, if Saturn’s doin’ a trine with some other planet in your chart, that’s supposed to mean you did good in your past life. You learned your lessons, and now you got some skills and strengths. It’s like you already did your homework, and now you can just enjoy the class.

Saturn Trines and Past Life: Unlocking Your Karmic Secrets

For example, if Saturn’s all cozy with your Sun, that might mean you were a leader before. You were in charge, knew how to get things done. And if Saturn’s friendly with your Moon, well, that means you got a tough heart. You can handle anything life throws at ya, ’cause you been through it before. You’re strong like an old oak tree, can weather any storm. Makes sense, don’t it?

  • Saturn trine Sun: Means you were probably a boss, a leader. You ain’t afraid to take charge.
  • Saturn trine Moon: You got a tough heart, can handle anything. You’re steady as a rock.

They also talk about this “twelfth house.” That’s supposed to be where all the secrets and past life stuff hang out. So, if somebody’s planets land in your twelfth house, or yours in theirs, that means you two probably knew each other before. Maybe you were family, maybe you were friends, maybe you even owed each other somethin’. It’s like meetin’ an old friend you forgot you had. You feel this connection, this pull, but you can’t quite put your finger on why.

And listen, even if you got some hard stuff in your chart, it don’t mean you’re doomed. Saturn might be tough, but it’s also fair. It just wants you to learn and grow. So if you’re facing challenges, that just means you got more lessons to learn. And if you work hard and pay attention, you can ace those lessons and make things better for yourself, this time around. It ain’t about where you been, it’s about where you’re goin’.

I heard some folks say that even if you got health problems, and Saturn’s involved, it could be ’cause of somethin’ from your past life. But if you got that Saturn trine, it means you got the strength to get through it. You’ll fight hard and live a long life, just like that old rooster down the road who keeps crowin’ even after the fox got his tail. You’re a survivor, see? You got that grit in ya.

So, don’t be scared of this Saturn stuff. It ain’t here to punish ya. It’s here to guide ya. It’s like your grandma, always tellin’ you to eat your vegetables and behave yourself. You might not like it at the time, but you know she’s right, and it’s for your own good. Saturn’s just tryin’ to help you be the best you can be, based on what you learned before. Just gotta pay attention and do the work.

And remember, it ain’t all set in stone. You got free will, they say. So even if your chart says one thing, you can still make your own choices and change your path. It’s like plantin’ a seed. You can choose what kind of seed to plant, and you can choose how to take care of it. But you can’t change the kind of soil you got, right? That’s your past life stuff. But you can still grow a beautiful garden, even if the soil ain’t perfect. You just gotta work a little harder.

So that’s my take on this Saturn and past life business. Hope it makes some sense to ya. Just remember, learn your lessons, be strong, and don’t be afraid to grow. Life’s a journey, and Saturn’s just one of the signposts along the way.

Tags: Past Life, Saturn, Saturn Trines, Astrology, Karma, Twelfth House, Personal Growth, Spiritual Development, Life Lessons

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