Okay, so, let me tell you about this weird thing that’s been happening to me lately. It all started a few weeks ago. I kept seeing the number 171 everywhere. Like, I’d look at the clock and it would be 1:17, or I’d get $1.71 in change back from the store. At first, I didn’t think much of it. I was like “whatever, it’s just a coincidence.”
But then, it kept happening. I saw 171 on license plates, on billboards, even in my dreams! One time, I was making breakfast and cracked open three eggs – two had a single yolk, and the last one was a double! One-seven-one! I started to get a little freaked out, to be honest.
I finally decided to look it up online. That’s when I discovered that 171 is something called an “angel number.” Apparently, it’s a message from the universe or something. I read that it’s supposed to be a sign of new beginnings and trusting in yourself. They say it’s like the universe is giving you a little nudge, telling you to go for it.

I’m not usually into this kind of stuff, but I have to admit, it’s got me thinking. I’ve been feeling kind of stuck in a rut lately, you know? Like I’m not really going anywhere in life. So, this whole angel number thing got me wondering if maybe I should make some changes.
My Personal Experiment
I decided to do a little experiment. For the next week, whenever I saw the number 171, I would take it as a sign to do something outside of my comfort zone. It could be anything, big or small, as long as it was something I wouldn’t normally do.
Here’s how it went:
- Day 1: I saw 171 on a bus. I decided to start a conversation with the person sitting next to me. Turns out, she was a musician, and we ended up talking about music for the whole ride. I felt so good after I got off the bus.
- Day 2: 171 appeared on my microwave timer. I had been wanting to try a new recipe, so I finally did it. It was a bit of a disaster, but I had fun trying.
- Day 3: I saw the digits in the likes I got on my last Instagram picture. I decided to take a risk and apply for a job that I thought was way out of my league.
- Day 4: I woke up and my phone battery was at 17%. I went for a long walk to charge it up at a coffee shop and ended up exploring a part of the city I’d never been to before. And guess what I saw on a building? 171. What a coincidence.
- Day 5: The number showed up on a receipt. I went to a local art exhibition and felt really inspired. And guess what? I saw a poster with the number 171 in one of the artworks! Crazy, right?
- Day 6: My friend, who also had been experiencing some strange things, texted me, asking to meet up. When we met, she told me she kept seeing the number 171 too, everywhere! We both realized we wanted a new chapter in our lives.
- Day 7: I saw 171 on a lottery ticket. I bought one for the first time. Didn’t win, but hey, it was worth a shot!
You know what? Even though I didn’t win the lottery, this whole experience has been kind of amazing. I feel like I’ve broken out of my shell a little bit. I’m taking more chances, and I’m feeling more positive about the future. Maybe there’s something to this angel number stuff after all. I don’t know if it’s the universe sending me messages, or if it’s just me paying more attention to things, but either way, it’s been a good thing. I’ve started thinking about what I really want in life, and I’m actually taking steps to make it happen.
So, if you ever see the number 171, don’t just brush it off. Maybe it’s a sign. Maybe it’s the universe trying to tell you something. Or maybe it’s just a coincidence. But hey, what’s the harm in paying attention? You might just surprise yourself.