What Are the 2 of Wands Intentions? Simple Tips to Figure Out Your Lifes Direction!

What Are the 2 of Wands Intentions? Simple Tips to Figure Out Your Lifes Direction!

Okay, so, let me tell you about this thing I tried with the “2 of Wands” tarot card. It was pretty interesting, to say the least.

I started this whole thing because I was feeling a bit lost, you know? Like, I had all these ideas floating around in my head, but no real direction. I remembered reading somewhere that the 2 of Wands card is all about planning and looking to the future. That got me thinking, maybe this card could help me figure some stuff out.

So, the first thing I did was I actually pulled the card. I have this deck, right? And I just shuffled it, focused on my intention to get some clarity, and bam – there it was, the 2 of Wands. It shows this guy holding a globe, looking out into the distance. It looked like he had his eyes on the prize, that is, if the prize is a plan. A solid one.

What Are the 2 of Wands Intentions? Simple Tips to Figure Out Your Lifes Direction!

Next, I spent some time just looking at the card. I mean, really looking. I noticed the colors, the guy’s posture, the whole scene. It felt like he was on the verge of something big, but he was taking his time, making sure he had a solid plan. I tried to imagine it was me that was looking into a plan. I was the one holding the globe. I felt like I was dreaming.

Then, I started writing down all the things I wanted to achieve. Big things, small things, everything. I didn’t filter anything out, just let it all flow onto the paper. It felt good, like I was finally getting all these jumbled thoughts out of my head. But it felt a bit chaotic, too. I realized that I needed to organize this long list of ideas.

After that, I tried to connect each of those things to the imagery on the card. Like, the globe represented my overall vision, and the wands were the steps I needed to take to get there. I also considered the surrounding cards and focused on each symbols.

  • It was a bit of a stretch, but it helped me see things in a different light.
  • It was a bit time-consuming, but it’s worth it.
  • It was a bit confusing, but I will try again.

I also did some reflecting, just thinking about what I really wanted and what was just noise. I realized that I was only trying to look at the big picture. I should have set smaller goals along the way. I should have identified my challenges, too.

Honestly, it wasn’t a magical solution, but it did help me get a bit more clarity. I started to see a path forward, even if it was a bit fuzzy still. Also, I realized it’s okay to take things slow.

I’m still working on it, but I feel like I’m in a better place now. And I learned a lot about myself and my goals through this little experiment. I think I’ll keep using the 2 of Wands as a reminder to stay focused on my intentions and keep moving forward, one step at a time. I will try again, and I will keep trying.

My Takeaway

It’s not just about having big dreams, it’s about making a plan to actually achieve them. And sometimes, you just need a little nudge, like a tarot card, to get you thinking in the right direction.

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