What Does Angel Number 1021 Mean? (Heres the Secret Message For You)

What Does Angel Number 1021 Mean? (Heres the Secret Message For You)

Okay, so, about this “angel number” thing, 1021. I kept seeing it everywhere, and I mean everywhere. On license plates, clocks, receipts, you name it. It was getting a little freaky, to be honest. I’m not usually one for signs and stuff, but this was too much to ignore.

So, I did what any normal person would do – I Googled it. Turns out, 1021 is an “angel number,” which basically means it’s a message from your angels or the universe or whatever you believe in. I’m still a bit skeptical, but the message for 1021 was all about new beginnings and big changes, and how you gotta stay positive through it all. I thought it must be some kind of scam or misleading information, but I still went ahead to follow what it said.

Now, here’s the thing – I was actually at a point in my life where I was thinking about making some changes. Nothing crazy, but I was feeling a bit stuck in a rut, you know? Work was same old, same old, my routine was boring as hell, and I just felt like I needed something… more.

What Does Angel Number 1021 Mean? (Heres the Secret Message For You)

So, I decided to take this 1021 thing as a little nudge. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but hey, what did I have to lose? I started small.

  • First, I looked at my job. Not going to lie, I wasn’t thrilled with it. So, I updated my resume, started browsing job listings, just to see what was out there. I dusted off my old resume and started looking for new job opportunities.
  • Then, I tried to switch up my daily routine. I started waking up earlier, going for a walk before work. I also tried some new recipes, trying to cook some healthy food. Also, I also started reading more, instead of just scrolling through social media all the time.
  • Most importantly, I tried to be more mindful of my thoughts and feelings. The number thing said to keep a positive mindset, so I tried to pay attention to any negative self-talk and flip that negativity on its head.

And you know what? Little by little, things started to shift.

After one month, I actually got a call back for a job interview, and guess what? It went great! It was for a position that was way more aligned with what I wanted to be doing, and the company culture seemed awesome.

Then, I finally got the courage to have a conversation with my landlord and I moved to a new apartment, I’m now in a better location and closer to work, which saves me a ton of time on my commute.

And on a personal level, I just felt… lighter. More energized. More hopeful. I started meeting new people, trying new things, and actually enjoying my life a lot more. I connected with some old friends, and we started hanging out again, and that felt really good, too.

The End

I’m not saying that seeing the number 1021 magically changed my life. But I do think that being open to the possibility of change, and taking those small steps, made a huge difference. Maybe it was the universe, maybe it was just me finally taking action, or maybe it was a bit of both. Either way, I’m grateful for the nudge, and I’m excited to see what’s next.

So, if you’re seeing 1021, or any other number that keeps popping up, maybe there’s something to it. Or maybe not. But what’s the harm in paying attention? You might just surprise yourself with what you can achieve when you open yourself up to new possibilities and embrace change with a positive attitude.

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