10 of wands reversed advice: What does it really mean for you?

10 of wands reversed advice: What does it really mean for you?

Hey everyone, it’s your boy back again with another personal journey to share. Today, I’m diving into something that hit me hard recently: the Ten of Wands reversed in a tarot reading. Yeah, I know, tarot might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but stick with me here. This one’s about life lessons, not just card tricks.

So, I pulled this card a while back when I was feeling swamped. You know those times when you’re juggling a million things, and it feels like you’re barely keeping your head above water? That was me. Work was crazy, home life was hectic, and I was trying to squeeze in some personal projects on top of it all. I was spread thin, folks, real thin.

Then came the reading. Ten of Wands reversed. At first, I was like, “Great, what now?” But as I dug into it, it felt like the universe was trying to tell me something. This card, when it’s flipped, it’s all about dropping the burdens that are dragging you down, figuring out what’s really important, and maybe, just maybe, asking for a little help.

10 of wands reversed advice: What does it really mean for you?

It hit me right then that I was doing way too much on my own. I was trying to be the hero in every story, and it was killing me. So, I started small. I looked at my to-do list, which was basically a novel at that point, and I started crossing things off. The stuff that didn’t really need to be done by me, or even done at all? Gone.

Next, I had a tough conversation with my boss. We talked about my workload and how it was just too much for one person. It wasn’t easy, but it was necessary. And you know what? They were actually pretty understanding. We worked together to reshuffle some tasks and bring in extra help where it was needed most.

At home, I sat down with the family and laid it all out. We’re a team, right? So we needed to start acting like one. We divided up chores, set up a schedule that worked for everyone, and suddenly, things started to feel a bit more manageable.

  • I started saying “no” more often.
  • I started prioritizing self-care, even if it was just 15 minutes of quiet time.
  • I started reaching out to friends when I needed a hand or just someone to talk to.

It wasn’t an overnight fix, but slowly, I felt the weight lifting. I had more energy, more time, and honestly, I was just happier. It was like I could finally breathe again.

So, what’s the takeaway here? For me, the Ten of Wands reversed was a wake-up call. It taught me that it’s okay to let go, to ask for help, and to focus on what truly matters. It’s about finding balance and not trying to do everything all at once. And let me tell you, it’s made a world of difference.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a step back. Look at what you’re carrying and ask yourself if it’s all necessary. Maybe it’s time to lighten the load and find your own balance. Trust me, your mind, body, and soul will thank you for it.

That’s it for my story today. Hope it helps someone out there. Remember, you don’t have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. It’s okay to put some of it down. Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other.

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