Alright, let’s talk about this here Three of Wands card, you know, the one with the fella looking out at the ships. Folks say it means a whole heap of things, but mostly it’s about lookin’ ahead and gettin’ ready for what’s comin’.
Now, if you’re askin’ about how someone feels about ya, and this card pops up, well, that’s usually a good sign. It means they ain’t just sittin’ around twiddlin’ their thumbs. They’re thinkin’ about the future, and guess what? You’re in it! They’re feelin’ pretty darn sure about you, like they see somethin’ special, somethin’ worth stickin’ around for.
It ain’t just puppy love neither. This ain’t no fly-by-night kinda feelin’. This here Three of Wands, it’s about buildin’ somethin’, like plantin’ seeds and watchin’ ‘em grow. They see a future with you, a real future, not just some flash in the pan. They’re lookin’ at you and thinkin’, “Yep, this one’s a keeper.”
- They got plans, and you’re in them plans.
- They’re lookin’ forward to things with you.
- They got confidence in you, like they know you ain’t gonna let ‘em down.
But it ain’t all sunshine and roses, mind you. Sometimes, this card means they’re waitin’ on somethin’. Maybe they’re waitin’ for the right time, or maybe they’re waitin’ for you to make a move. It’s like they’ve planted those seeds, and now they’re waitin’ for ‘em to sprout. They got the waterin’ can ready, but they can’t make them seeds grow faster than they’re gonna grow.
And sometimes, this here card means they’re feelin’ a bit restless, like they’re ready for somethin’ new. Maybe they’ve been stuck in a rut, and you’re the breath of fresh air they’ve been lookin’ for. They’re ready to shake things up a bit, ready to try somethin’ different, and they want you right there by their side when they do it.
It’s about seein’ the big picture, you know? They ain’t just thinkin’ about today or tomorrow; they’re thinkin’ about next year, five years from now, maybe even longer. And when they look at that future, they see you standin’ right there with ‘em. They got that look in their eye, that “we can do anything” kinda look, and it’s all because of you.
Now, some folks get all fancy with their words, talkin’ about “momentum” and “expansion.” But what it really boils down to is this: they’re ready to move forward, and they want to move forward with you. They got that fire in their belly, that get-up-and-go spirit, and you’re the one who lit that fire.
So, if you pull this card when you’re askin’ about someone’s feelings, don’t you go frettin’. It’s a good card, a real good card. It means they care, they see a future with you, and they’re ready to take the next step, whatever that step may be. Just remember, good things take time. You gotta be patient, gotta let those seeds grow. But if you do, you just might find yourself with somethin’ pretty special.
Now, I ain’t no fancy card reader, but I’ve seen enough in my life to know when someone’s got that look in their eye. And when that Three of Wands pops up, you can bet your bottom dollar that someone’s got their eye on you, and they ain’t plannin’ on lookin’ away anytime soon. They’re thinkin’ long term, they’re thinkin’ big, and they’re thinkin’ about you, right there in the middle of it all.
And that, my dear, is a pretty good feelin’ to have, ain’t it? Someone seein’ you, really seein’ you, and wantin’ to build a future with you. That’s what the Three of Wands is all about – hope, anticipation, and a whole lotta love just waitin’ to bloom.
Tags: Three of Wands, Feelings, Tarot, Love, Relationships, Future, Confidence, Growth